Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
Really high snotty toned talking. Gets on the nerves fast
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
^ thats actually what made seto kaibas character in yu gi oh so badass. Because He was like ''I'm better than you and you know it''
But some people sound ridiculous. YOu know, there are people who are born as kings and work at McDonalds. But just by looking at them you feel that they have that something others dont.
On the other hand there are lawyers or even judges, doctors physics who talk like they are aboth all, but if you try to feel theior aura, you notice its just hot air and confidence gained from hard work.
What I'm trying to say is, that not everyone can sound snotty and hightoned but still look badass.
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
Liars, cheaters and whiners. Nuff said.
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