Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
People who sag then wear a short shirt like someone wants to see there butt.
Friends you haven't talk to in a long time just calling to borrow money.
tae_fansick @djlee6
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
tae_fansick @djlee6
Posers, users, abusers, cheaters, liars, and facists. *thinks for a moment* I think that's it...
Haruu @haruu
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
Haruu @haruu
Darn it. Guess cats aren't allowed here.
tae_fansick @djlee6
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
tae_fansick @djlee6
....what about pandas? :3
Amezuki @amezuki
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
Amezuki @amezuki
Wait, no fascists? Awww...
*takes his grammar nazi hat and goes home*
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
This android is hurt by your racism. *sheds tears*
I hate it when people:
Use bad language all the time (small dictionary?)
Can't see beyond words.
Are small minded (cliche ftw!)
Dislike me becoming overlord and ruling the Earth with an iron fist.
Are high maintenance.
Steal my omurice ;_;
TaylorHime @taylorhime
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
TaylorHime @taylorhime
I absolutely hate people who talk loudly. I don't really like loud stuff and when a person purposely doesn't use their inside voice it drives me nuts!
People who sing with a song, forget the lyrics, and mumble everything but the chorus. Annoying.
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
Ironically, as much as I love technology, I can't stand it when people have their smartphones glued to their faces 24/7. ESPECIALLY if they are somewhere awesome like the beach. I don't like it for two reasons: 1) It's rude because it tells other people, "Hey, this tweet about how my life sucks yet I have a smartphone and get 3 meals a day is more important than anything going on around me" and 2) They're missing out on the life that is unfolding right in front of them. It makes me sad.
This isn't what bothers me the most, but some of my top peeves have already been said here. Close minded idiots, bad drivers and whatnot.
shashank_desu @shashank_desu
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
shashank_desu @shashank_desu
"Id rather be called sexy and racy, than a sexist or racist" - Stephen Fry
laddrusso @laddrusso
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Types Of Things People Do You Can't Stand!!!! Humans only
laddrusso @laddrusso
When someone makes a thread than goes M.I.A for 6 months.
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