San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!

sinnamon @sinnamon
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
sinnamon @sinnamon
Hi guys/gals<3 I'm attending the festival on the 21st on Sunday, anyone else going? I will be in all pink again this year :) this is me since I can't upload pictures via my itouch onto my profile ;-; Lets hang out Sunday! Purikura?! :>

sinnamon @sinnamon
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
sinnamon @sinnamon
Weird, looks like my post didn't go through all the way :/
But lets hang out if you guys are planning to go on the 21st! :> purikura anyone?! Here is my photo since I can't upload via my itouch onto my profile

floatsinwater @floatsinwater
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
floatsinwater @floatsinwater
Are there any cherry trees in San Fran to look at?

sinnamon @sinnamon
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
sinnamon @sinnamon
Yes there are! Right in front of the pagoda :]

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
Kyetge! @kyetge
21st, you say??? I will be in the Bay Area then for my Berkeley admissions thingy! :D Where is this pagoda located?

floatsinwater @floatsinwater
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
floatsinwater @floatsinwater
Is the pagoda near any of the Bart stations? I absolutely hate driving in SF, especially if there's an event going on...

sinnamon @sinnamon
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
sinnamon @sinnamon
@Kygete!, The pagoda is located on post & buchanan , I hope you can make it! If you need help getting there let me know :>
@floatsinwater, there isnt any bart near by but you can get off at powell or montgomgery walk up two blocks to geary and catch the 39 goes straight up to Laguna :)

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
Kyetge! @kyetge
Okay! is there anything happening this Friday?
I'll have a day to go about exploring San Francisco as usual after Thursday...
I can't believe Friday is coming up so soon! :D

floatsinwater @floatsinwater
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
floatsinwater @floatsinwater
I might go if someone else is going... Otherwise meh.

sinnamon @sinnamon
commented on
San Fran, Cherry Blossom Festival!
sinnamon @sinnamon
@Kyetge, I don't think anything will happen on friday the festival will go on during sat and sun :'>
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