How men are rated on the 1-10 scale

Earl Grey @saber
How men are rated on the 1-10 scale
Earl Grey @saber
I don't really agree with much of it, but it did give me a good chuckle.
What do you think?

aoiyosei @aoiyosei
commented on
How men are rated on the 1-10 scale
aoiyosei @aoiyosei
1. Money: As long as he can support himself I'm happy.
2. Status, I could care less.
3. Looks, to an extent but not priority and anyone that says otherwise is lieing.
4. Confidence/Charisma, can make a guy attractive, there is nothing worse than someone who sings the 'oh woe is me, I am worse off than anyone' song. No one likes it if their honest :P
Look wise for me they are way off.... I think it's more about the personality that goes with the looks that makes a guy who he is.

silversun92 @silversun92
commented on
How men are rated on the 1-10 scale
silversun92 @silversun92
Hahaha I've never heard of guys being rated before

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
How men are rated on the 1-10 scale
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Not this kind of rating but other sites I usually go on all guys ask for is to be rated.

Rou @roukuro
commented on
How men are rated on the 1-10 scale
Rou @roukuro
Old thread is old, necro. But then again there isn't much activity here so might as well.
This list is pretty much correct. Because really, it isnt about what we as men find in ourselves that we think is attractive. Bottom line its about if Women find us attractive because if they dont, gone are our chances.
Lets not be naive in thinking women will appreciate our better qualities from the get go. Because all the traits on the list that anyone may think are vain are also the only really VISIBLE things.
So a guy's kindness, honestly, compassion, supportive-ness DO MATTER but the only way to get a woman to notice them is to get her to notice the other traits first. Sorry guys, and everyone who may stumble on this thread in the future, i know some of you may not want to hear it, but its true.
Just about everything said about the upper numbers on that list is correct according to evolutionary psychology and biology.
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