Fruits Basket
yourbaka @yourbaka
Fruits Basket
yourbaka @yourbaka
Would you mind having the the Sohmas' curse and being cursed by one of the 12 zodiac (13 for the cat). If yes which animal and why?
talamar @talamar
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Fruits Basket
talamar @talamar
Well I was born under the Dragon. So prolly Dragon.
snowangel17 @snowangel17
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Fruits Basket
snowangel17 @snowangel17
Rat.because there cute and i can relate to yuki in some ways
GoIdfishy Ⴟ @urtv_unit667
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Fruits Basket
GoIdfishy Ⴟ @urtv_unit667
Snake!!!! (Ayame <3) Snakes are adorable!!!
koji @gaxelgaxel
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Fruits Basket
koji @gaxelgaxel
i want to be kyo sauhma.. but if i cant bear all his sorrows and suffering..EE
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