Comic Books
Nerdalous @nerdalous
Comic Books
Nerdalous @nerdalous
Where my comic geeks?! Just got caught up with all my New 52,"Fables", Avengers, and many more comics. Who's reading what?
Nerdalous @nerdalous
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Comic Books
Nerdalous @nerdalous
I'm going to go a head and bump this. I guess I'm the only one who reads comics on maiotaku then?
ChemicalCatherine @chemicalcatherine
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Comic Books
ChemicalCatherine @chemicalcatherine
I read Batman cause he's my husband -w-
Nerdalous @nerdalous
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Comic Books
Nerdalous @nerdalous
@ChemicalCatherine:I'm intrigued, how did I happen. Batman is my favorite.
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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Comic Books
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
Godzilla, Dead Pool, Groo, and some other things I read including some Graphic Novels too.
Nerdalous @nerdalous
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Comic Books
Nerdalous @nerdalous
I can't wait till after may I get my rise then I'll have all kinds of money to start buying my comic books. I'm really far behind.
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