A new season

Konoha's Shadow @frozentruth
A new season
Konoha's Shadow @frozentruth
If you could have a next season on any ONE show you wanted what would it be? #_#

Locked. @masuji
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A new season
Locked. @masuji
I'd say that the following deserved more seasons:
Elfen Lied, too condensed
SAO, it just is such a deep, deep story
Durarara! Both shows needed more seasons for their depth. Still amazing animes and stories.
Spice and Wolf, so many books need to still be made into anime

sephirothansylar @sephirothansylar
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A new season
sephirothansylar @sephirothansylar
Rosario and Vampire NEEDS another season...nuf said

koji @gaxelgaxel
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A new season
koji @gaxelgaxel
agreed durarara! and SAO too

talamar @talamar
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A new season
talamar @talamar
Well SAO has second season later this year called Gungale online. Show I always wanted to see get another season was Okamisan. But there are several others like Fate Stay night, Air Gear, Tenjho Tenge, The Sacred Blacksmith, Angel Beats, Deadman Wonderland, HOTD, Grenadier, Black lagoon. Several others but I could go on forever.
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