
RoninSydd @roninsydd
RoninSydd @roninsydd
Does anybody plan on going to mechacon this summer in New Orleans? I know it's a little early to post this but you can't be too early talk about cons lol I plan on going as Gray from Fairy Tail, Brandon Heat from Gungrave, and Durham from Black Cat

ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
commented on
ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
There is a Mecha-Con? Hm... New Orleans isn't that far from Houston. Anything good happening there?

ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
commented on
ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
If so, I might have to hurry up and get started on my Anubis (From Zone of the Enders.) cosplay.

RoninSydd @roninsydd
commented on
RoninSydd @roninsydd
Sweet! They are celebrating the 25th anniversary of robotech with most of the voice actors from the series. That's all i know so far

Brittney_Ashura @brittney_ashura
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Brittney_Ashura @brittney_ashura
hey anybody guy going to youmacon 2010 willing to dress up as tuexdo mask?! i need one badly!

RoninSydd @roninsydd
commented on
RoninSydd @roninsydd
Sorry Brittney, wish i could help but Youmacon is way too far for me :/ hope you get one soon!
Anybody exicted for the new guests coming this year? Vic Mingona(mispelled i know), Wendi Powell, etc

Black Maiko @blackmaiko
commented on
Black Maiko @blackmaiko
Any1 need a room for mecha..
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