What do you look for in a future partner?

I'm Rob @iii_otaku_iii
What do you look for in a future partner?
I'm Rob @iii_otaku_iii
For me I have standards, but I'm also not picky either. I prefer medium to short hair, open to new ideas and try new things, listens to anything besides rap, country, or indie, preferably dubstep and techno. And loves emoticons as much as I do. (and I'm talking about the complex ones and not :D :3 :) ^w^, I'm talkin about ಠ_ರೃ andsuch.

Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
commented on
What do you look for in a future partner?
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
I look for somebody who can appreciate the random stuff I throw out there and will come back at me with more of the same instead of staring at me blankly and saying, "What?" I also would like a guy who will do crazy, silly, and immature stuff with me like singing "Wheels On The Bus" while we're riding the metro. I'm also hoping for a guy who isn't going to be overly protective or clingy or shy and can stand up for himself and tell me when I'm doing something that irritates him. Even then, he ought to hear me out and pay attention to what I like and care about rather than going on and on and on about his own issues until I just get fed up and leave the room.
So basically fun, adventurous, respectful, caring, intelligent, and of course very good-looking. Is that too much to ask? LOL

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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What do you look for in a future partner?
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Dubstep and complex emoticons rule!!(✌゚∀゚)☞
NER aka NotExactlyRight you stole my ideal guy!!oh my gosh!! Lol (´⊙ω⊙`)!
But I like a fun guy who is creative. I don't like rap period. I like dub step techno and j and kpop He also has to be able to keep up with my randomness!! Caring is a big plus in my book. If your a total jerk was who gets piss ass drunk every night then get out of my land!!! I'm steLing adventurous from NER and please AT LEAST don't look like a walrus or worse

Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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What do you look for in a future partner?
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
I look for integrity and honesty, as I cannot place trust in someone who lies or gossips. I want a girl who can understand the humor in randomness and inside jokes and won't just stare at me blankly or take everything literally. Someone who can take things lightly and doesn't mind making light of a dark situation, or for that matter, dark a light situation. Somewhat intelligent and no addictions to smoking, drugs, drinking, etc. I don't want a pretty girl or a girl that just tries to fix me (I know I'm "broken"), I just want a fellow conspirator, an accomplice in life.
Also, wanting to live in Japan, loving my anime/J-drama, and/or wanting to go to cons is a plus in my book.

talamar @talamar
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What do you look for in a future partner?
talamar @talamar
Well honesty, communication, fun loving, adventurous. Someone who doesn't just accept my flaws but might actually think some of them are endearing. Someone who doesn't mind trying something new and exciting. A person who is not to scared to be a little embarrassed. While she doesn't have to like everything I do I would be happy if she shared them. I would love to hang out with my partner at a con cosplaying with them. Would be great. But honesty and communication are a must.

riffaffray @riffaffray
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What do you look for in a future partner?
riffaffray @riffaffray
Someone who can deal with the fact that I'm a "my pace" kind of individual. They also have to like games and anime. All the geeky stuff, cause being normal is very difficult :/

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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What do you look for in a future partner?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I like steaming hot babes with <i>huuuge</i> money.<br/><br/>
For serious though, I look for future partners by not trying to find someone to be my future partner.<br/>
It's great if someone is in your age range and/or lives in a reasonable distance.<br/>
But I'd be content with someone I can just be myself around - that I feel comfy carrying a conversation with.<br/>

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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What do you look for in a future partner?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

xueli @xueli
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What do you look for in a future partner?
xueli @xueli
I'm kinda picky in that I get more or less attracted to people based on their actions and personalities. As a general though, I'd like guys to be pretty easy going and fun but not terribly immature. Also financial and emotional stability is a pretty big general must most of the time.

riffaffray @riffaffray
commented on
What do you look for in a future partner?
riffaffray @riffaffray
Financial stability usually comes in the territory of the older guys. Young men out of college have it a little dofficult when it comes to gwtting a career right off the bat unfortunately.
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