China and the One Child Policy
Locked. @masuji
China and the One Child Policy
Locked. @masuji
So, since I've been to China I actually have a right to talk about how things are there. I met plenty of people my age, ~16 at the time, who didn't have any brothers or sisters. Now to get past the myth: No, there is not some mass infanticide going on in China. The one child policy DOES make sense. China is a country about the size of the US with over a Billion people, thats five times the amount in the US. So, just to clear up the misgivings, the policy does serve a purpose and that purpose does make sense. Its not about morality, it is about making sure a country has the resources to prevent widespread famine.
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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China and the One Child Policy
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I fully and completely support the one-child policy, stupid people breed to much, this way intelligence has a chance to actually stick around in the human gene pool without getting completely watered down.
talamar @talamar
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China and the One Child Policy
talamar @talamar
Personally I think you should need to file for a child license. Too many people who are not fit to be parts popping out kids. Children should be a privilege not a right. I hate hearing about all these children ending up in foster care or abandoned or worse. And china has alot of that happening so yea I am for it prolly even for more. But Again this is an opinion and I know that folks may disagree.
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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China and the One Child Policy
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
talamar @talamar
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China and the One Child Policy
talamar @talamar
Maybe not even government.. just something.. hehe
xueli @xueli
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China and the One Child Policy
xueli @xueli
I'm not a big proponent of eugenics so I'd have to disagree with you guys on breeding programs
xueli @xueli
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China and the One Child Policy
xueli @xueli
Also the one child policy isn't even a big deal. In the rural areas, it's not like the government can stop you and then in the big cities, they make enough money to support the second one. But the policy does have incredibly negative results so I can't say I support it
Locked. @masuji
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China and the One Child Policy
Locked. @masuji
I'm not in for eugenics either but I do want to prevent diseases that are inheritable such as Tay Sachs etc. If the human race continues to multiply at our current rate we may not survive due to heavy famines and environmental desecration. I don't want more than 2 kids, and I'd be just fine with none as well, the kid thing depends more on the woman for me. And planetary colonization isn't a realistic solution, then we will just keep multiplying and be no better than the Polynesian ship rat.
xueli @xueli
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China and the One Child Policy
xueli @xueli
China's one child policy is problematic enough that much of China is moving away from it. While it may make sense in terms of limited resources and a large population, humans don't work as pragmatically and unbiased as that. The policy has lead to a high number of abortions and child abandonment. It's also lead to a high disproportionate ratio of males to females, which in and of itself lends to problems like women getting abducted in the streets to be sold as someone's wife/domestic slave. Of course much of that is a lot better than it was 10 - 20 years ago, but these are still problems mainland china is dealing with today.
talamar @talamar
commented on
China and the One Child Policy
talamar @talamar
Biggest reason I disagree with alot of what you guys are saying is there are way way too many people having kids that shoul;dn't. I am not even talking from economic stand point. Why bring a life into this world unless you can make it shine. too many times people do it on accident or for selfish reasons and who suffers the child. Again these are opinions not trying to make folks mad or disrespect your beliefs.
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