Anyone going to Anime North 2013?

meltingtomato @meltingtomato
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
meltingtomato @meltingtomato
I'll be one the staff members and panelists there, but I wonder if anyone else from Toronto, or even further afield is going? What are you cosplaying as? What are you most excited about?

precipace @precipace
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
precipace @precipace
I'm going, but it's a bit early isn't it?
I think I'll probably cosplay one day and go plainclothes the other two days. I mean, it's just nice to be in a place where you're absolutely dead certain you have something in common with absolutely everyone around you.

libidinously @libidinously
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
libidinously @libidinously
I am!!!!
Looking at booking at a hotel to book!

nanashi @uchuumi
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
nanashi @uchuumi

meltingtomato @meltingtomato
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
meltingtomato @meltingtomato
@precipace I wouldn't say so. Personally, I'm starting to save for a nice big spending spree at Nominoichi. That, and I'm trying to get the 15 people I need for a group pre-reg, but so far I'm at 9.
@libidinously All I can say is good luck. I know the Doubletree and Sheraton are spoken for.
@nanashi Which one? Nana or Hachi?

precipace @precipace
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
precipace @precipace
Looks like most hotels are totally booked.

libidinously @libidinously
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
libidinously @libidinously
I don't plan on getting any right beside the convention centre,
I drive so its all good for me (:
As long as I dont have to drive an hour everyday back and forth hence why I'm staying ^.^
Whats everyone gonna cosplay as?!

meltingtomato @meltingtomato
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
meltingtomato @meltingtomato
The most original cosplay out there: myself. To be honest, as much as I would like to cosplay, I don't want to take the time to make a costume, and I certainly doubt most costumes would fit me (given my height -- there are downsides to being 6'5").
What about yourself?

precipace @precipace
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
precipace @precipace
I have a Ness costume in storage that I can fall back on if I want to, but I think I'll be going as myself again.

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
commented on
Anyone going to Anime North 2013?
moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
I am definatly going to try to get to Anime North again this year, I went last year too
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