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precipace @precipace
precipace @precipace
Or maybe here. I don't know.

precipace @precipace
precipace @precipace
Gone again.

sumomo220 @sumomo220
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sumomo220 @sumomo220
Hello ^-^
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)

precipace @precipace
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
precipace @precipace
Not Legend of Zelda, there's only about 50 people in the entire world.
Tales Of - Vesperia/Symphonia/Abyss Etc. Fans? :3

precipace @precipace
commented on
Tales Of - Vesperia/Symphonia/Abyss Etc. Fans? :3
precipace @precipace
Only just started playing Tales of the Abyss on 3DS a few months ago... totally addicted now. I think I might have to buy the other games in the series now...