The Kimono, Would you wear it?

ZeldaChan @monjachan
The Kimono, Would you wear it?
ZeldaChan @monjachan
Ohayou Minna <3
So we have all seen anime, and seen a reasonably amount of kimono\yukata's for both males and females, probably ^^
Main point in this topic is to find out what we otaku's feel about the japanese national outfit..
Would you wear a kimono or yukata? Have you worn one?
And, What do you think about the Kimono in general?
picture for those who might not be certain..

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
The Kimono, Would you wear it?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I've been thinking of making my own yukata until I can buy one I like. Also wouldn't mind having a kimono or furisode someday. It takes a lot to know how to put those together though, so yukata's are more simplistic for me.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
The Kimono, Would you wear it?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
I worn a hakama pants with a hiori. Looks really cool. I love to try a yukata which is what guys wear that's similar to the females kimono. I remember seeing once in the history channel that traditional kimonos were designed to make it easy access for the husband to touch his wife in all the right areas. They had built in openings underneath the sash and sleeves. Thought I share that with you all. Tell you something I think kimonos like the ones Yuko from xxxholic wears would make any girl look gorgeous.

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
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The Kimono, Would you wear it?
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
I own one yes :) i was fitted for a kimono in the Japan section of epcot in disney world. i had to buy a larger one because i am quite the amazon but the expense was worth it. i feel really comfortable in them and i usually wear 3" flip flops on a regular basis so im totally into it

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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The Kimono, Would you wear it?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I would wear a men's yukata. The kimono is my favorite dress, hands down. Never seen such beautiful clothing.

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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The Kimono, Would you wear it?
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
I've always wanted to wear one, but never have TT3TT

Kyetge! @kyetge
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The Kimono, Would you wear it?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I think I'd like an outfit using a hakama better.
But I'd definitely wear a kimono. Just not out to the mall or anything, haha.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
The Kimono, Would you wear it?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
I own a kimono(male pattern obviously), got it when i was in Japan. I have not worn it outside of my house yet, and not even a handful of times around the house. Been thinking if i should wear it more haha

resin_otaku @resin_otaku
commented on
The Kimono, Would you wear it?
resin_otaku @resin_otaku
I've worn one before and I'd wear it again, but it's not something I would wear often or all the time.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
The Kimono, Would you wear it?
Kyetge! @kyetge
(Honestly, I'm more interested in the school uniforms. xD)
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