Highschool anime club

Ushio @ushioryuusei
Highschool anime club
Ushio @ushioryuusei
Ok here's the thing I've meaning to start an anime club in my Highschool, the idea has been accepted and anticipated by a good number of my classmates but I have no idea how to go about club activities, so can anybody give me ideas, it'd really help alot

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
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Highschool anime club
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
When I started my school's anime club, I started it off by having an anime club starting party. Some of my friends and I brought sodas, chips, sweets, and sandwiches. We had set up games for the upcoming members to play as well as group activities so they could socialize. If you do plan on having the games you may want to get prizes for the winners as well as door prizes and goody bags.

NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
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Highschool anime club
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
I wish my area had and anime club for adults.. My local library's do anime/manga clubs but, they are for people under 18...

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
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Highschool anime club
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
Well actually the anime club I started was in High School. If you ask your local counselor and principal to start a club the idea may be accepted.

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
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Highschool anime club
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
I founded the Z-town high school anime club two years ago.

Ushio @ushioryuusei
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Highschool anime club
Ushio @ushioryuusei
Thanks those are some ideas I've thought of but haven't come up with anything like prizes and such

Cecil @cecil
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Highschool anime club
Cecil @cecil
Meet once per week usually for a couple of hours in a particular room after school. Create a flier advertising and put it up around your school if your HS will allow it. Usually vote on a few different series to watch over the course of the semester and have people bring in suggestions at the first meeting. Watch one to two episodes per week of each series that are the top two to three vote getters until the end of the semester. That's how we basically did our local college's anime club anyways.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Highschool anime club
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
You might need to find a sponsor for your club; maybe an art teacher. Make and fill positions in the club like: President, Vice, Historian, Treasurer. Look for school friends or people from the student body to take on those rolls. Make some eye catching flyers to help promote the club and place them in key areas of the school. Find out how big of a club room you will get to use. Don't exceed max occupancy and cap member enrollment. Big numbers can cause problems like a fire hazard. Screen anime titles before a club viewing; make sure it's school appropriate. (A good example to avoid is showing an anime, like "Serial Experiments: Lain", which is an: intelligent, sophisticated, and philosophical piece, and out or nowhere there's a masturbation scene. A good rule of thumb is to keep it "G" rated. So avoid anime that have subject matters like: language, violence, nudity, or sex. You don't want to get in trouble with the school or get your sponsor in trouble; it can end badly. If push comes to shove maybe having permission slips for more "teen" or "adult" titles might be in order. Make them as intelligent sounding as possible. List creator/director info as well as a synopsis. Maybe mention awards and critical acclaim from reputable sources. List questionable subject matters (like how the MPAA does). Even theological subject matters might need to be listed if applicable. (If you ever start one in college, virtually all students are 18+. This can make things more flexible to show more variety. Chances are there's already a college anime club.)

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Highschool anime club
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
You don't want to offend students, teachers, and possible angry parents. Keep it legal, avoid fansubs. You might want to check out if anime licensors have any club advocating programs. "ADV Films" (defunct) had one called the "Anime Advocates club program". They would send anime DVD samples that were okayed and appropriate for club viewing. Technically speaking showing personal retail copies of anime titles outside "home viewing" is illegal however it's in a grey area when it comes to a small limited showing. It's always best to get permission from licensors; not doing so is a risk. It's up to you if you think you don't need to do that or not. Just keep in mind that legal consequences may rain down upon you. You might consider expanding show live actions of anime titles or even Japanese movies.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
Highschool anime club
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Parties, games, and prizes are always fun. "Name that Tune" was always popular in my experience. I never did this but maybe Pokemon or Digimon tounraments can be good. Japanese console gaming was popular too with me. Just a bit of caution should be used when bringing personal property to school. Don't bring things that will get you in trouble. Keep it discreet. You don't want some bully stealing or damaging your things; especially when it's rare (like out of print material; example vol. 8 of Maison Ikkoku that fetches over $500 USD on auction sites). Maybe in this case a personal back-up copy would be appropriate. Have your club very well thought out and organized; just don't slap it randomly together. Might not run as your picture it to be. I hope my advice helps you.
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