Gamers welcome!

misschisa @misschisa
Gamers welcome!
misschisa @misschisa
So this is for all you games out there. What games are you guys most interested in at the moment?
I play Perfect world international, World of warcraft, and guild wars 2
Any one looking for a gaming buddie its always better when you dont have to play alone :D

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
commented on
Gamers welcome!
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I'm looking for a great online FPS...I play AQW for my adventure needs. Anyone got any suggestions or want to join me on AQW?

misschisa @misschisa
commented on
Gamers welcome!
misschisa @misschisa
I would love to game with you... what is AQW? And im and mmorpg kind of girl I love all the games I play lol

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Gamers welcome!
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
commented on
Gamers welcome!
whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
I used to be all about the MMO's then I became an accountant and it stole my soul. I used to play all the games you mentioned, but gotten a bit hard lol. So now back to games I can pick up and put down like League of legends and playstation/steam games

misschisa @misschisa
commented on
Gamers welcome!
misschisa @misschisa
Awww lol I can relate life gets hard I definatly don't get to game as much as i'd like to

whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
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Gamers welcome!
whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
Sad day, just need to find a way to clone so I can send them to work while I play. I'll call it getting the most of my internet bill >_>

misschisa @misschisa
commented on
Gamers welcome!
misschisa @misschisa
Hahaha I know.. that would be great

whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
commented on
Gamers welcome!
whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
You have an identical twin cheater XD. You two could switch off. No one would know

misschisa @misschisa
commented on
Gamers welcome!
misschisa @misschisa
True except the fact that we are very different we just look alike lol
Im left handed she is right handed so our writing is different believe me everything you though of we tried... but our teachers in school could tell us apart from writing alone... band was different our band teacher knew us for 7 years and still couldnt tell who was who.
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