How is everyone today in this cold weather

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Phoenix @animecountryboy
It has to be 20 for me to call it cold, then again it has to be 105 for me to call it hot haha

Mio @syaoran91
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Mio @syaoran91
hahaha where do you live around if its not being too intrusive

ronined @ronined
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
ronined @ronined
Well it seems like it will snow on Friday in Michigan.

SimonSan @simonsanbr
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Jeez are you people British? Talking about the weather is our thing! Get your own thing! Hmmph.....

whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
It is actually pretty nice in San Jose. It has some rain, but when not raining nice to just chill on balcony.

Nerdalous @nerdalous
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Nerdalous @nerdalous
I hate the cold unless it's snowing, I get cold real easily and it takes me awhile to warm up.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Lamby @momoichi
waitin for it to get colder :T im even openin my windows at night so it gets freezing =.=
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