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What's the reason you're single?

Because around where i live .. Anime and Japan is really disliked
Because I'm unwilling to "date" in the conventional sense of the word. It doesn't make sense to me. Hey, let's stick this random person with this random person and hope that things don't go wrong! It's to hit-and-miss for me and I can't stand to hurt girls feelings. Some people really take it personally and my worse fear is that they will do something drastic afterwards. So I'm hoping to get better results from the internet. Yes some people lie, but if shit goes south because someone lied, then I don't feel guilty about leaving. It's not a perfect solution, but it's best I have for right now.
For me it was mostly just circumstances. The household I grew up in was not conducive to dating, I wasn't able to afford it even if I could have, and I was pretty antisocial. Even when that all changed I still held off for a bit since I thought I needed to "fix" myself first. Now it's just because I'm clueless :D
It's a long story that would hurt to explain but to say the least my last partner was unfaithful and now I have pretty bad trust issues.
Well, currently, I just haven't found any girls that are interested.
Meh, cos all I do is draw and stuff XD and well, same as the dude above me.
Well I don't have too many friends since many have moved away, started families, all that stuff. So I don't get out much. That's my excuse I guess. Gotta change this boredom someday.
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