Do you find the ability to draw attractive?

silverokumura @silverokumura
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
silverokumura @silverokumura
Like manga or anime style?

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
It's a plus, but not a mandatory thing for me (I do manga/anime type artwork mostly). It's nice when I can draw with other friends or whatever and do projects or something together. Also makes it easier to communicate when both people can draw sometimes.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
Lamby @momoichi
yes and no, it wood make someone interesting but onloy if they were up to my par...if not its like 'lol u suck XD!" :T

whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
commented on
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
whowhatnowhowbrowncow @zombietoastman
It would be something interesting to see and talk about, but I don't think it would be like oh you are so sexy *break away pants* XD

atticuselias @atticuselias
commented on
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
atticuselias @atticuselias
Spent a lot of time drawing immature dicks on schoolwork and what not in my youth. I am much more articulate about it now a days on cars and what not.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Well I did start talking with my last girlfriend after I'd done a pic request for her
While it might not have women throwing their bodies at you, it is a nice way to get your foot in the door. Y'know like any kind of hobby or talent

godhead @godhead
commented on
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
godhead @godhead
it's not really a quality i'd look for in a potential mate. but if you have a passion for art like i do, i admire it. but i do find someone that traces art unattractive. it basically shows you're untrustworthy. /:

Rezikai @rezikai
commented on
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
Rezikai @rezikai
very much so, I can't help but be attracted to a good artist. It's the artist in myself that just wants to be with said person.
Drawing and painting especially,
however music is... art as well but so abstract it can be pulled out of the air too easily where as physical artwork has to be planned (usually unless your a Jackson Pollock fan and even then he DID PLAN his splatter) and executed.
To me it shows a sign of concentration and focus to accomplishment. It's one of the few traits that surpass even personality for me.

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
commented on
Do you find the ability to draw attractive?
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
I can draw so im usually intimidated by other people who can draw xD kinda funny but im not sure id want to date an artist. i get enough art related shit at my art school haha
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