Dafuq Nintendo
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Dafuq Nintendo
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ronined @ronined
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Dafuq Nintendo
ronined @ronined
All I have to say look at the market and see where the money is at sadly.
Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Dafuq Nintendo
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Did you just figure that out? Nintendo has defined the casual gamer since they create the wii....
Cecil @cecil
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Dafuq Nintendo
Cecil @cecil
I don't really agree. There has been at least on major franchise entry in all of Nintendo's main franchises since the Wii launched in 2006.
Zelda - Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, & OoT 3D
Mario - NSMBW, NSMB2, SM3DL, SMG 1 & 2, NSMBU
Metroid - Prime Trilogy, Hunters, & Other M
Kibry - Kirby's Epic Yarn, Return to Dream Land, Mass Attack, 20th Anniversary Collection
This isn't even including stuff like Brawl, Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing, Sin & Punishment 2, Pikmin 3, Fire Emblem 3DS, Punch out Wii, etc.
If you're a die hard Nintendo fan, they've been doing a great job imo of catering to their fans outside of no recent entries in the Star Fox (outside of Star Fox 64 3D) or F-Zero series since GX on the GCN.
Are they trying to appeal to casual gamers with a lot of stuff like Wii Sports and Nintendo Land? Sure, but that's what they've had to do to be successful the last 10 years. They tried to compete with Sony and Microsoft in the traditional sense with the Gamecube and finished last that gen because of it. From a financial stand point, they did the smartest thing they could developing the DS and Wii and it sold gangbusters for them. 3DS sales continue to be strong and the Wii U is just getting started. Finally all their big franchises will be in HD while continuing to stay competitive in an ever evolving gaming market. Nintendo is smart in how they're handling their business and it's why they are still around despite being a gaming only company. Something companies like Atari, 3DO, and Sega failed to learn and why they are no longer making consoles today. Nintendo is in no danger of going that route any time soon.
Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Dafuq Nintendo
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Nintendo is riding on their main franchises. They slap mario, Pokemon, kirby, metroid, or zelda on anything and it will sell. They only recently have started to let 3rd party developers onto their current consoles. They are doing gimicy thing that is currently a "fad" or "popular" in gaming such as motion controls and 3D
Cecil @cecil
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Dafuq Nintendo
Cecil @cecil
And Sony and Microsoft aren't doing the same thing with their franchises? How many Gears and Halo games have their been? How many KillZone, Uncharted, and God of War games have their been the past 5 years? All game companies milk their key franchises and play it safe because they know it will sell versus riskily investing in a lot of new IPs.
And 3rd parties never had access to the Wii? I didn't see Nintendo putting up some exclusivity barrier and allowing only certain companies to develop games for it. It's more 3rd party companies chose not to develop for the Wii versus Nintendo stopping them from doing so. You still had quite a bit of 3rd party support on the Wii. The problem was 80% of it was shovelware not worth spitting at and the other 20% that was good was usually overshadowed by Nintendo's own franchises and only was found by the die hard gamers who follow console gaming religiously. Zack & Wiki, Muramasa, A Boy and his Blob, Fragile Dreams, Tales of Symphonia 2, Crystal Bearers, Xenoblade, etc were all very good 3rd party entries on the console imo that deserved far better sales than they got. Hell, Last Story that just came out in August is Xseed Games best selling game of all time and it came out on the Wii just a few months ago.
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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Dafuq Nintendo
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
The Wii U's technology now can be geared more for hardcore gamers, remember we are still in post launch mode so more core games will come out.
Rezikai @rezikai
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Dafuq Nintendo
Rezikai @rezikai
Eh Phoenix its seemed that way with Nintendo for a while I remember gaming back 8-9 yrs ago and thinking that exact same thing, like wtf why is Mario/Zelda-whatever else always on some game that has nothing to do with that lore/world/genre.
It's a selling tactic basically. So it's just whoring their owned characters out for use like other consoles do just with a lot less subtlety. What I have always heard is that Nintendo likes to have a hand in how they markets AND develop titles which peeved a lot of oldschool developers off.
If I remember correctly its one of the reasons Hideo Kojima took the Metal Gear franchise with him to a different platform, because Shigeru Miyamoto wanted too much control on how it was branded and grown. There's a reason the actual 2nd Metal Gear game on Nintendo is written out of the overall Metal Gear lore... Snakes Revenge!
Nintendo will be around until the fanbois get so old they can't hold a controller anymore, which is admirable and sad at the same time. Since I doubt I could say the same for any XBOX or PS fanbois.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Dafuq Nintendo
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