To all of my lovely male otakus~
soulxevans @soulxevans
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To all of my lovely male otakus~
soulxevans @soulxevans
(I know you weren't talking about me specifically) I thought that whole thing was just for fun O_o I din't do it seriously thinking I'd find a girl that fit all my standards and I definitely don't expect a girl to be obedient to my standards or even requests. In fact I appreciate girls and people in general for their differences and usually go out with girls that are wildly off course with what I think is the perfect girl. I think I even remember in my perfect girl post that I enjoy imperfection it's what makes people people. :p just my 2 cents. On the other hand if there were any guys actually complaining about not finding the perfect girl they ain't gunna find nothing. If you aren't willing to give and take in a relationship and except the persons flaws that relationship should not even be happening.
timmonsxp @timmonsxp
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To all of my lovely male otakus~
timmonsxp @timmonsxp
I have to admit that watching anime is great and i enjoy watching anime a lot. However some people let the emotions of a favorite anime get to them. In my opinion in this world there exists a line for girls. A line kind of like a scale for the type's of girls there are. You have:
Not attractive <---------------Middle---------------> very attractive
great personality but usually a bitch
and thats the way it honestly is.
the people who make anime characters make them as perfect as they can.
(especially the females :3 (poor guys).
Not only that they make the plot as touching as ever, Like almost a never would happen kind of plot (unless your like 1 in a million who wins the lotto type.)
So people try to desperately find people like that in the world, and complain when they cant find it and blah life sucks it does.
I know anime is Like, amazing and you wish you could be the person that you idolize the most from it, But dont get so infatuated with it that it mentally depresses you because you cant find that perfect girl (which is most likely big breast, amazing body, ILY so much (your name here) kind of girl. Sorry, But a dream girl will always be a dream girl unless you can come to realistic terms of what the girl is, or you want her to be.
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