EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Don't know if any of you know this but once you are friend listed you can send messages. It adds privacy and you don't have to see everyone else's post.I am kind of regretting becoming valshe's friend for all the post lol. Just joking.
Valshe @valshe
commented on
Valshe @valshe
Liar. You secretly love being my friend ;D ADMIT IT!
MEOW @meowkittycat
commented on
MEOW @meowkittycat
Interesting topic. When it comes to flirting, I only have one thing to say: IF someone is in a relationship, and they make the decision to flirt with someone else, I consider it to be cheating unless you agree to be in an open relationship where you can do whatever you please. Idk. I personally do not like open relationships, but some people are just into that...
MEOW @meowkittycat
commented on
MEOW @meowkittycat
Interesting topic. When it comes to flirting, I only have one thing to say: IF someone is in a relationship, and they make the decision to flirt with someone else, I consider it to be cheating unless you agree to be in an open relationship where you can do whatever you please. Idk. I personally do not like open relationships, but some people are just into that...
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
ロイ @wallace614
Ok time to dig this up out the archive
strawbunni @strawbunni
commented on
strawbunni @strawbunni
I'll just put my input in lol. I hate this. Like, its okay for you to be polite, talking to someone, and a WEE bit flirty if we're not dating but like completely dissing me saying "Lets go out" or "Wanna be my gf" when you just asked me that a few minutes ago is really- annoying to say the least. This is true ESPECIALLY if we're going out. I'm not a psycho girlfriend but I do have my cases of jealous/clinginess.
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
commented on
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
Well as far as this site goes, anything can be conceived as flirting. If you're just posting in people's profiles just saying "hi", that seems harmless, doesn't it? IF you've made some sort of connection with someone and you're "dating" them online then maybe that's a seperate thing. I know a lot of people here have ongoing conversations with 5 to 6 people and it's just casual.
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
I tend to use flirting to make conversation
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
ロイ @wallace614
Everybody does at some point even though its so normal I don't even notice when I do
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