Feeling worthless and unimportant....

Tiger Festival @animeboy
Feeling worthless and unimportant....
Tiger Festival @animeboy
If any of you have no RL friends,never had a significant other, and you were just alone most of the time wouldn't you feel worthless and unimportant? I feel that way, I'll just tell you the truth, I lost all of my friends due to changes in life, one of my friends left me for his new group of friends at church, while my other friend no longer calls or hangs out with me because of his GF. The fact that everywhere I go, I always have to do some heavy legwork just to get a conversation going and it be short lived.
I feel like I don't matter to anyone in this world since I've been betrayed,abandoned and I always have to work hard just to get someone to talk to me for even a little bit, I felt pretty suicidal recently and I wish I can just disappear into nothingness.
So would anyone else feel this way too if they were in the same spot as me?

Qepton @qepton
commented on
Feeling worthless and unimportant....
Qepton @qepton
I think you might be trying to look for friends in the wrong places? I know that's how I was for awile, I was trying to fit into groups that I just didn't and felt so very unimportant. I finally said "Fuck you" to that entire group and for awhile was quite the loner. I went online where I knew I wouldn't be judged right off the bat and started to make friends there. That improved my social skills 100%. Then I started looking for friends IRL, completely 100% fresh and without friends it was a tough ride. The best thing to do is see if your school (if you're in school) has a club that you like, or see if in your classes (again only if you're in school) you can overhear some people talking about something you're interested in and just join in. Interesting people are everywhere, but you can't just expect them to come jumping at you. Take this time of loneliness to recollect your thoughts of what you want to do and what you know >YOU< like to do. Don't try to fit in man, it's all about finding people you can be yourself with.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Feeling worthless and unimportant....
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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misskittehcat @misskittehcat
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Feeling worthless and unimportant....
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
well to be honest the worst thing you could do is stay in on your computer all the time. it's important to go out into the world and make friends. conventions are great places to make friends and find people who are interested in you. me and my guy met randomly at a con and have been best friends for a year and a half now. you never know who you'll meet!!

drmario @drmario
commented on
Feeling worthless and unimportant....
drmario @drmario
You sound a bit like myself. And we're the same age too...
I've never had an actual relationship and at the moment I don't have any friends that I talk to. Even the friends I've had can be hard to relate to. For example, some of them would like video games but the games they liked wouldn't be the games that I like. And I'm a pretty bad conversationalist. I'll say what I have to say and nothing more, even if want to. My own shyness gets in my way every day and I have to fight it every moment. And my shyness wins often. As long as I have hope that I'll find some people one day that I can be myself around I feel ok, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. One thing I really hate is when I feel like I found some people but our interaction gets cut off because I never see them again.
I have to slightly disagree with Qepton's statement that "it's all about finding people you can be yourself with." While I'm looking for the same thing as I stated, if you're waiting for those people you might miss them. The only way you can find people to be yourself around is by being yourself. That's something I need to work on myself.

Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
Feeling worthless and unimportant....
Tiger Festival @animeboy
@ Qepton: I'm out of High School so it's quite different, all of my high school friends are gone.
@ Rob: I've been graduated for 6 years, I've never made a new friend since.
@ Misskittehcat: I'm unfortunately unable to go to places since I lack transportation,money and my way around the city I live in.(Orlando is a VERY big city and easy to get lost in)
@ Dr.Mario It seems like we're Siamese twins, everything you said about yourself pretty much reflects me.
I thank everyone for posting, it shows me that you guys care enough to drop a comment and I feel a bit better(Not completely) but it bit better is better than not feeling better at all(If that makes sense)
I just wished that I can meet at least one person from here in real life. Le Sigh.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Feeling worthless and unimportant....
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

Katsou @fai2568
commented on
Feeling worthless and unimportant....
Katsou @fai2568
Try Meetme or Craigslist. Not for sex or Relationships just for finding groups of friends with the same interest. You may think you are alone in your area but someone has to respond. Also I felt the same way as you. I live in East Lansing right next to Michigan's Capitol. Well about a year ago I started walking into East Lansing a little more, then I started exploring the City by Bus when I went into Lansing. Now I know my way around it and I meet people all the time, though I never really consider them my real friends.

anothertsundere @anothertsundere
commented on
Feeling worthless and unimportant....
anothertsundere @anothertsundere
your arent alone im sorta the same as you are^^ theres more out there too..

Namani @namaniiamani
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Feeling worthless and unimportant....
Namani @namaniiamani
I was in the same boat before and it's not awesome. Really the people that change are actually doing you a favor because you know where you stand and where they stand. Example: Why worry about someone that doesn't even worry about you and won't bother to text or convers with you. Sure it gets hypocritical because some people by nature still care even if they are either being used or the "last resort" to talk to when no ones around.
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