Nobody knows who i really am

ladymoriko @ladymoriko
Nobody knows who i really am
ladymoriko @ladymoriko
I wanna give someone a chance to know who i really am i guess...well sound weird...Well actually im just trying to say i am looking for someone to start a friendship with first before maybe somethin serious

MEOW @meowkittycat
commented on
Nobody knows who i really am
MEOW @meowkittycat
Good luck~!

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Nobody knows who i really am
Lamby @momoichi
well ur on a good track by commin on here :D! im ser ppl here will wanna knw who u r and accept u ^_^ i woodnt mind knwing if u woodnt mind telling me about urself :D

ladymoriko @ladymoriko
commented on
Nobody knows who i really am
ladymoriko @ladymoriko
@momo *is scared of nerf gun aimed at her* *flees the scene* jk well whatcha wanna know

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
commented on
Nobody knows who i really am
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
It's good to find people you can trust and open up to nothing like it. I myself have a hard time trusting people cause a lot of people in my past were good at hurting me so maybe no one will know everything about me. Sometimes it's better not to tell people things cause then they can't use it against you. But not all people are evil and I'm sure you can find lots of people on here to show your true self to. Good luck ^w^

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Nobody knows who i really am
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

kazentaicell @kazentaicell
commented on
Nobody knows who i really am
kazentaicell @kazentaicell
This is a great place to meet people who will actually get you lol. I am always looking to make new friends lets talk sometime ^.^
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