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Religious rants

Persona 3 also has Jesus as the main character's ultimate persona it's kind of the point of the shin megami tensei series to explore myths and religion
Mar 14, 23 at 2:17pm
Panda, I don't know if I have asked you this before but with your current outlook having changed/reverted back, what are your thoughts on ghosts?
Ghosts im not entirely sure, thats something i for myself dont know how to explain. I have seen stuff as a child, may it have been imagination or whatever be it. Me and my siblings have seen stuff at an old house that belonged to my grandmother. Heads falling out of closets figures standing in front of sleeping people. This i have seen for myself and experienced. Maybe as a child with our over active imagination maybe we can see things that arent there? Maybe ghosts do exist? I dont have an answer for sure, but i dont think dead people return (as a ghost). Im not saying everything is a demon but like i dont know.
Im not familiar with persona 3 but i have played persona 5 extensively. Persona 5 royal to be exact and basically isnt the jail guy/or was it the counselor like the antichrist or something. He basically becomes this like ultimate being who wants the world to be whatever he wants it to be and be in control of everything. I might be screwing up the story but its something like that where he altered stuff after all the demons flood the earth. Idk if this is necessarily just exploring mythology since certain stuff doesnt make sense to me. Like futaba and the pentagram why was this added? She doesnt have any indication of having a persona that would need a pentagram nor was that a part of her personality she wasnt like someone who dabbled with that. Why was this feature added? I dont wanna dive too deep into this as it seems like a conspitheory but like there is just way too many instances of masonic symbols and imagery as well as pagan gods. Having jesus as a persona isnt necessarily a good argument either its just basically mocking jesus. I cant remember if any other gods were shown so i could just be talking out my ass.
Well no Igor isn't the anti Christ he's been around since the first persona and the one in 5 was Yaldabaoth (which i believe is a false god from shin megami tensei lore) who took Igor captive and pretended to be him in order to manipulate the P5 protagonist the first hint to this was that his voice was different originally people thought it was different cause the VA died but in the end the real one pops out with the og voice saying yaldabaoth kidnapped him as for futaba and the pentagram her persona is from Cthulhu mythos until you complete her full social link and evolve it into Prometheus last i checked there's quite of bit of pentagrams in that Cthulhu world. The demon aspect comes from the parent series shin megami tensei but there are tons of gods both from mythological stories as well as religion like Thor and other Norse myths, Izanagi and tons of Japanese myths, tons of gods from Hinduism, the Shinto beliefs personified, it even uses creatures from not so known mythologies like the mokoi and they actually avoided the mocking Jesus aspect by not confirming whether or not it's Jesus by calling them Messiah plus i wouldn't call it mocking since it's the strongest persona and the mc's ultimate persona which he uses to save the world in the final battle against Nyx not only that but literally one of the persona's you get at the beginning of P5 is a judeo Christian familiar known as agathion
Well i will stand corrected from that aspect. Im kinda fuzzy on the story since i beat it such a long time ago and sorta breezed through it because i only wanted the platinum trophy. But im confused on the false god guy and the counselor from royal which i think wasnt the original true ending until royal where you had to basically get certain characters to max persona stat before a certain date. The only thing i remember was him changing people's memories and stuff. This was with morgana being human instead of the cat and stuff like that. I really cant remember what that fight was like.
Yeah i looked into it a bit more since I've never played the parent shin megami tensei series i just know some bits of information apparently Yaldabaoth also goes by demiurge which is from Gnosis mythos
I have no idea what that is or whether it's a mythology or a religion just reading off my screen
Oh damn apparently in gnosticism Yaldabaoth is seen to be the inferior creator god of the old testament
So from what I'm reading gnosticism is an old or dead(?) branch of Christianity
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