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Political rants

Well most anti-Liberals generally are revisionists anyway...
Apr 09, 21 at 5:21pm
find me a single leftist comic hes made
Apr 09, 21 at 5:21pm
@reisenpai66 I agree about it being asinine how so many companies so quickly bent the knee and pandered to all the BLM stuff. When I find kind of funny is how so many people who support the movement, there's a difference between the BLM idea and the movement, will claim that the recent actions of the movement ended up achieving tons of wonderful progress when in reality if you look at the majority of what was achieved it's mostly just pandering that accounted in very little actual impactful change.
I never said he was a leftist. I didn't disagree with you.
Apr 09, 21 at 5:23pm
i googled third position and "Advocates of Third Position politics typically present themselves as "beyond left and right" while syncretizing ideas from each end of the political spectrum" that implies that he has left beliefs as well and if he doesn't, hes just an extreme right winger
Since he is a Nazi sympathizer, he IS a 3rd position. Nazis cannot be Liberals nor Marxists. 3rd positioners ARE Far-Right wingers.
Apr 09, 21 at 5:24pm
oh i see, wer using different definitions. you mean hes third party i disagree with this still, because people on the extreme right are facist, while people on the extreme left are communist so hes still right even if hes not a republican
Apr 09, 21 at 5:26pm
i think stonetoss is a piece of shit racist, and his comics only work if you believe a certain hyperbolic narrative, but they are kinda funny if you look past the politics https://i.pinimg.com/474x/ce/59/f4/ce59f42fd4627975d73a1745c72de425.jpg sucks hes a douche
But I said he is from the Right. Where did I deny that. And by "Third position", I actually meant the Third Political Theory, which encompasses full-blown Traditionalist shit like Fascism, Nazism, Rexism and Carlism. Of the four, Nazism and Rexism have emphasis on Racial/Cultural policies, Fascism to LARP Ancient Rome and Carlism to return the Pope's former powers in a country. Sorry i didn't explain right away.
Apr 09, 21 at 5:27pm
oh, well i blame google then >w>
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