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What do you think about your country's gun laws?

@a13_6 That is what happens in NH, if you're a business that sells guns and then stops selling them your business will die without question. They even closed a Wal-Mart due to that a while ago. Their compromise was selling ammunition in it's place after the first Wal-Mart died.
About your country's gun laws? America: yes
Comeon we built a plane around a gun https://youtu.be/NvIJvPj_pjE
I don't have an issue with the gun laws. My problem is with the psuedo religious cult around guns. It's a lot of fear mongering and xenophobia.
Here gun laws are strict as hell and it's one of the main reasons why I want to move, the law itself while a bit too strict isn't so hard to follow, it's the fact that it's so vague in some spots that make it almost impossible to own a gun if you don't have connections in the police and that's only for handguns, getting a sporting rifle like an ak or ar is pretty much impossible if you're not one of the rare few who are actual sports competition shooters. The police can take your guns away at any moment if they see you "not fit for firearm ownership which is retarded. Also the considered assault weapons ban in America 9s the dumbest thing to come out of Biden and harris' mouths.
What makes a gun an assault weapon you ask? Being a scary black plastic rifle and having a pistol grip as well as a more than a 15 round magazine. Guess what else has more rounds than that? The glock 17 which is the most popular handgun. So what's next? Banning handguns?
By that logic this is a normal hunting rifle, not scary
And this is a big scary assault weapon made for killing babies. Yet they are the same rifle platform.
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