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Coronavirus. Your thoughts? [Serious and Non-Serious]

What's worse is I am now realizing just how broken the Social Security system is. I had my identity stolen right at Christmas which is a terrible time to rely on the government for assistance. After all, they need a vacation the most am I right? Apparently with all the data breaches someone finally stole my identity, but even the IRS.gov website is broken until the end of January. How is it that the online website is allowed to be broken? I think that should be illegal for the government to do. Leave citizens with no recourse after thieves exploit the government's system of being hands off with citizens' means of living. I know I am not the first or only to go through with this, but anyone who is an American citizen should be alarmed by how powerless our system is at plugging these breaches. It's worse than the virus honestly.
@gabriel_true It was powered by a hamster on a wheel back when I was a social worker. And to put it into another perspective the amount of the population applying and qualifying for it is only increasing. That is, until the declining birth rate really kicks in after a couple more decades.
Robert Malone is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine. He was banned on Twitter 12/29 and went on JRE 12/30. He has recently been outspoken about the government's handling of many things - the vaccines, the early treatments, the lack of follow-through with the pharmaceutical companies. 30 mins left of it and I'm wondering why we allow our Federal Government to do or control anything involving COVID.
Ad in Sweden https://i.ibb.co/Fm7F1FS/RDT-20220104-1900427460865041923294799.jpg
Yes, but one should always consult God before taking Viagra or the Corona vaccine as both may not be right for you do to strain on the heart. If you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours or clogged arteries, please get medical help or Jesus immediately!
I signed up for the booster shot since my work offered to pay me another bonus if I did. - While I was at it I took Walgreens up on the offer to just inject all the world's medicine into my veins at once. - I'm supposed to get a $5 coupon on my next purchase for every shot they inoculate me with. - Also I didn't know Japanese was the name of a disease. But it's too late for me. The case of the weebs has spread through my body like cancer. There's no cure... - But don't worry I made sure to get my rabies shot, haha! - I may be a weeb but at least I'm not rabid!
Japanese encephalitis. Encephal meaning head, itis meaning swelling or irritation. Im assuming it has to do with your brain swelling. I should know what it means cuz i have to get that shot if i ever go to asia for the military
the latest COVID cringe https://youtu.be/FGqOBiikHDI I'm embarassed for him.
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