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Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Jan 02, 21 at 3:05am
at some point this debate does come down to ones personal viewpoints we can look to the trolly dilemma https://miro.medium.com/max/3550/1*8cs-6f1XCvrg1IIjTfk2zQ.jpeg i would imagine you believe that if someone doesn't pull the trolly lever and the 5 people get murdered, then that person isn't responsible for their deaths i disagree, to me inaction is a form of action batman has more blood on his hands than the joker, because he holds the murders of all of the people of gotham by the hands of all of the villains in his hands about superman, he has killed now thanks to multiverse bullshit there are versions of superman that doesn't kill, BUT if we look at the death toll between the versions of superman and batman, i believe superman has consciously (he wasnt made into a monster or possessed by some gas) killed enemies for the greater good. so they are not comparible.
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Jan 02, 21 at 3:09am
superman snapped zods neck to save a single family batman couldn't kill a single villain to save hundreds of families https://media.tenor.com/images/6c3fe2073082829b58888e02c9f17fa3/tenor.gif
Batman has killed as well without the gas, but the thing you're not including in your argument is the hope the heroes have, the meaning behind a super hero what you're showing is a bad analogy because we know for a fact someone will die but we don't know whether or not a super villain will remain a super villain we don't know that they will kill again for example Jason Todd he started out as Robin, got killed by joker, came back and started murdering people, but Batman was able to knock some sense into him, and since then Jason Todd hasn't killed, also you're forgetting batman was at one point an assassin so if he had to kill he would if it was certain that more people would die if he didn't kill that one villain like I said batman and Superman are the 2 closest to going over the edge it's why they hate and like each other so much Batman actually killed Darkseid
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Jan 02, 21 at 3:19am
if he had to kill he would? https://townsquare.media/site/622/files/2011/04/killer06.jpg https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/vnblb7AHtrL96iGn1SulHpfj62o=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/16003301/Bruce_Won_t_Kill_Joker.jpg https://economicsandethics.typepad.com/.a/6a0120a58aead7970c0167650b178f970b-250wi hes said the contrary multiple times because of multiverse bullshit we should stick to the core of batman, as the above comic literally contradicts onme of the pillars of his character he doesn't use guns he doesn't kill if your debate is 'has batman ever killed someone?' yeah id lose because ofcourse he has. my issue is his morals. his principles. and what hed been shown time and time again is that these principles is that he does. not. kill. answer my hypothetical would you kill one a single man to save a thousand children?
The one I just showed you is the core batman, the one killing darkseid in that shot is Batman from Earth 0 the original one comics always say contrary stuff cause the writers change overtime the batman from the og detective comics is far different from the batman we know today
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Jan 02, 21 at 3:22am
ye, thats why wer sticking to the core of the character are you arguing that the core of batman IS that his moral beliefs allow him to kill? you'll need a lot of evidence for that, because there is mountains of times where batman himself says that he. does. not. kill. also you haven't answered my hypothetical
And again your hypothetical is missing the hope factor that makes a super hero, answer this would you kill someone if they had the potential to change, to be good, to be able to get rid of the mental illness that causes them to act the way they do if there was a chance they could be saved why wouldn't you try you can't see the future and sure batman says he doesn't kill but i'll list people the core Batman has killed because even though he doesn't want to sometimes he knows he has to he's killed Darkseid, his old mentor, Dracula, 2 face in the dark Knight movie, devil ray, his own dad when flash fucked the timeline up, Dr. Hugo strange, and I don't think it counts but he does cause jokers death in a video game
Because obviously yes i would kill the one to save many but life isn't that simple
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Jan 02, 21 at 3:32am
ok ill fix it that man has killed a hundred kids, and there is a 95% chance that he kill keep killing them your willing to risk the lives of hundreds of innocent children to rehabilitate one man?
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