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Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 03, 19 at 4:26pm
So as an adult my nerves are fully developed, where as a fetuses aren't. That's why i can feel pain. Fetuses at a certain point can respond to stimuli but that doesnt equate feeling a pain response. More acting on the same level a plant does. It's been a long standing myth that fetuses can feel pain at 20 weeks but it's not connected to any actual science. As i stated previous a few times, fetuses lack sentients where as i do. So can you answer my questions with real answers and not more questions xD? The petri dish hypothetical is important. It shows whether you value the life of an adult over the life of dividing cells (aka a zygote). So i'd like you to answer it. Which would you save? The adult or the cells? Ok so you would look a women who works 3 jobs and has 2 young children with 0 support system has sex with her boyfriend who bounces and leaves her to just pull up her big girl pants and get over it? Who do you think are the majority of women who get these abortions? They're women who already have children and cant handle any more. Getting your tubes tied costs 10 thousand dollars, you gonna tell her to just gather that money somehow? Or should she remain abstinent for her entire life? These are unrealistic expectations for human beings that are held only to poor underprivileged women. If life is so important than why can't the government force you to grow organs inside of you to save people who need organ donations? It'll save lives, and that's what's important right? bruh, it is a parasite. it lives off the host without giving anything back. it even harms the hosts health. it's a parasite bro xD like parasite doesnt have to be used in a derogatory way, i mean it as the text book definition.
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 03, 19 at 4:29pm
also not sure if your typing up the response to my other responses yet
Sep 03, 19 at 5:31pm
Honestly just because it cant feel doesnt mean its ok to kill. that logic by any means is retarded like i said if i could kill you without pain is it ok? No right? Why? Because i mean you are sentient right? Why cant serial killers apply by that rule? If you kill something without pain then it should be ok to kill. Being "sentient" again is a bs excuse on why doing something is ok. I am answering your questions you just cant comprehend reasoning. Which is usually how these debates against you turn out XD i address your issue and you repeat the question Again like i said i dont know anything about that, it would be dumb of me to actually answer not knowing. For one i dont even know if they are capable of having life beyond that petri dish like i said unfamiliar topic i dont know anything about test tube babies. Im not gonna save something that doesnt have a chance to live either way. So ofc i would save the actual guy who has a chance at living. Nooooo they are women who are stupid. there is a saying that goes "dont bite off more than you can chew" if you have an outstanding loan and can get another loan do you think they care if you cant handle the others? No right? They will give it to you (if they are dumb but hypothetical) and you would be stuck with 2 loans. If you fuck the dude and he leaves thats your problem for picking a guy who wont help. Common sense not a "woe is me my life is hard lets kill this fetus cuz its my ex's" again stupid, think with logic not feeling womenn are prone to this more often than not they hear a guy say they love them and dont think to stop and think why having him raw dog you is dumb if you dont know him well Im sorry cuz abortion is way cheaper it just comes at the cost of a life my bad. Very convenient to pop in an abortion clinic and pay money to have someone kill this living organism in you who is of the same species Where the hell are you taking this? What does organs have to do with a literal human being developing inside you? Organs are essential and you kinda need them to survive. So why are you gonna risk your life to save someone elses when millions of people die everyday and have fully functional organs they just arent required to donate. This has ZERO to do with abortion. Which is killing someone ON PURPOSE not saving a life at the cost of possibly yours How do you know it gives nothing back? Many celebrities go onto provide for their families imagine having a fancy mansion your child paid for you...you know the one you didnt abort and gave the chance to. Even if they arent famous you get old, everyone does. And alot of kids take care of their parents.while they dont contribute physically to your health in development cuz they cant fucking do shit they arent developed. But having a baby doesnt kill you most of the time. If anything i feel miscarriage is more common than death.
azzajit @azzajit commented on debate
Sep 03, 19 at 5:55pm
pro abortion. cba raising a kid right now. and before somone asks why have sex if you wont take the responsibility, well sex feels good so yolo
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 03, 19 at 6:03pm
Sure, that's no reason to kill something, just because it isn't sentient. My point is the sentient person has more moral agency over an insentient zygote. I mean im debating with facts and reasoning, you're debating from an emotional standing :P i'm still grateful you'd debate with me though, im pretty bored and need to take my mind off of things. Again, because i'm sentient. If you gave me sleeping meds i'd still be sentient. This isn't even an equivalent argument as a abortion helps the mother live a better quality of life. Are you equating a woman who has an abortion to a serial killer? Sure let me educate you (that sounds condescending but i swear i just wanna use this as a teaching moment) So you don't NEED to know the ins and outs of a test tube baby, thats not the point. The point is rather if you value the life of the adult or ten zygotes. Would you save the adult scientist or would you save the ten petri dish zygotes? The adult, btw, who could actually feel the flames and comprehend that she is about to die, something the zygotes have 0 understanding of. They're just dividing cells. But i think this is a false equivalency again. You are actively going out to get those two loans, where as she wasn't having sex to actively get a baby. A baby is an unfortunate by product. Do you think she knew the guy wouldn't help? Did you know your exes would screw you over when you got together with them? (implying you have some bad exes but most people do so i imagine its a safe assumption) Sure, this argument is thinking with feelings (something you've been doing this whole debate) because empathy is my baseline for morality. I think that you think that women get abortions like theyr nothing and that they just run off to have sex with 0 protect and think "whoops im pregant again, time to go to my favorite place, the abortion clinic! fuck i luv killin babies!" Thats what my example was. Because the VAST majority of women are just the above example. Poor women of color who already have children. Do i hold the value of that woman above the value of a cluster of cells? Absolutely. Specially if that kind of statistically going to grow up with a shitty life and end up in and out of prison (also statistically whats most likely going to happen) The organ analogy basically has to do with someone forcing you to incubate something inside of you to protect life. You want to protect the life of a fetus, then why cant the government force you to incubate organs in your body for organ donation? Because you seem very concerned about life over bodily autonomy. From what i've seen in your argument is the lack of bodily rights if it means preventing the death of another creature. Lol of the baby could turn into ted bundy or a pedophile, the odds are just as likely if not greater of him being a piece of shit xD (and the odds as i stated already are more likely they will just enter the prison and be a drain on taxpayers) Btw did you answer mt car accident hypothetical? im very interested to hear your response
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 03, 19 at 6:05pm
@azzajit, i think that because sex is used purely as a recreational activity so much of the time it gives reasonable doubt that a baby will be made as a result
azzajit @azzajit commented on debate
Sep 03, 19 at 6:16pm
You do know accidents happen right. And it’s actually fairly common for a baby to be born which was unplanned.
Sep 03, 19 at 6:18pm
^ I sexually identify myself as a mistake! :D
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 03, 19 at 6:18pm
? hence why i said "reasonable doubt" do you not know that phrase?
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 03, 19 at 6:18pm
@borg, not a mistake! a surprise!!!
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