Steam Gamers
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Steam Gamers
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Anyone else on Steam?
I have plenty of Co-op and Multiplayer games if anyone is up for it sometime? Ill list the games I have if people really want me to but it could take a while!
Cant promise Ill be on all the time though, being from the UK means Im on a different time from most people!
Anyways, my Steam Username is SimonSanBR so feel free to add me.
Lets see if we can get a list going of peoples Steam names!
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Steam Gamers
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.
SimonSan @simonsanbr
commented on
Steam Gamers
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Oh snap, someone actually replied! Sorry, didnt notice! Ive added you!
ronined @ronined
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Steam Gamers
ronined @ronined
Mine is ronin.ed if interested.
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