What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
Cecil @cecil
What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
Cecil @cecil
Post Turkey Day weekend. What's on your gaming docket?
Manic @mercule
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
Manic @mercule
been replaying pokemon heart gold since last week.
i picked up 5 3ds games this week so i will eventually get to those.
kindom hearts: DDD
Tales of the abyss
Mario kart 7
Mario bros 2
Mario 3ds
Mop @mop
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
Mop @mop
I've been addicted to Mount and Blade: Warband and The Killing Floor.
marc0 @marc0
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
marc0 @marc0
soulcalibur II
Ushio @ushioryuusei
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
Ushio @ushioryuusei
Ys Seven and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
guilliano @guilliano
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
guilliano @guilliano
naruto storm generations (favorite)
zone of the enders 1/2 (favorite)
fightnight chapion
firtua tennis
naruto wii
metal gear 1/2/3/4 (favorite)
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Still grinding my way through Skyrim atm. I know Im late to the Skyrim party but I have so many other games to play I hardly get round to them...
Akullen @akullen
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
Akullen @akullen
assassins creed 3
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
As a Bondsman of Clan Wolf, It is my duty to play mechwarrior online.
As a Total battletech fanboy, It is my pleasure to do it 8 hours a day ^^
ronined @ronined
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What are you playing this weekend? (11/24)
ronined @ronined
Been playing Dead or Alive 5, Soulcailbur 4 and Ar Tonelico 1.
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