Dan Da Dan

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Dan Da Dan
Gabriel @gabriel_true
A friend from work suggested it to me. I glanced through a couple manga and thought it looked to be somewhat of a FLCL meets Panty and Stocking type of story.
What's everyone else's opinion?

princess_snow @princess_snow
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Dan Da Dan
princess_snow @princess_snow
me and my brother weren't sure after the first episode, but we gave it a few more and we're enjoying it. I can see the FLCL comparison but it's got a decent plot and I'm curious to see where it goes.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Dan Da Dan
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Thanks! I'll try to watch it tonight.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Dan Da Dan
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Having now watched all the current episodes my thoughts about this series is that it is extremely FLCL esque. Humor is on the same level as Panty & Stocking with just a dash of Mob Psycho 100 for zest.
It's definitely experimental and does whatever it wants as far as narrative.
So it's up my alley.
Can't recommend it to most people though as the content is unabashedly crude.

Keqings king @vegas1988
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Dan Da Dan
Keqings king @vegas1988
ok am i crazy or does that top pic make him look like a cross between senko from dr stone and the vaste lorde version of ichigo from bleach?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Dan Da Dan
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I had similar thoughts. I wouldn't be surprised if the design isn't inspired slightly by those characters, haha!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Dan Da Dan
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Dan Da Dan
Gabriel @gabriel_true

RT @rtae86
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Dan Da Dan
RT @rtae86

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Dan Da Dan
Gabriel @gabriel_true

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