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Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Best MO Profile
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Never in my time would I expect to get hit on by real life Yumeko Jabami.
Now let's hope I don't run into her counterpart Midari...

randomanimeenjoyer @randomanimeenjoyer
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Best MO Profile
randomanimeenjoyer @randomanimeenjoyer
Why does it look like a bot to me

Veru @verucassault
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Best MO Profile
Veru @verucassault
Because it is.

Yuka King @yukachan
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Yuka King @yukachan


Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Best MO Profile
Gabriel @gabriel_true

So are the bots learning or did some of these scam artist companies get wiser and start using actual people to come in and pretend they really like anime before selling us some ancient Chinese medicines?
If so I recommend staying away from any cursed puzzle boxes they offer! That's how they get always get ya!

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
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Best MO Profile
Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
Pfft, if true then their worst mistake will be eventually coming for me! For I *will* sex them up.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Best MO Profile
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Now they're using my name...
But there is only room on this site for one Gabriel!
Accept no substitutes.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Best MO Profile
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Just who I need! A woman that knows how to take out the trash!
She can start immediately removing the landfill that is my next door neighbor's yard!
Getting real tired of their junk ending up in my driveway and ditch. I asked the man nicely and he cocked a, "I'm too busy to drive 1 mile up the road to the dump I pass every single day," attitude!
His 4 overflowing trash cans ain't the only thing full of literal crap. Him and his blatant disregard for noise pollution.

Veru @verucassault
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Best MO Profile
Veru @verucassault
LOL... my old boss used to say, don't dress for the position you have, dress for the one you want. Patricia is obviously on to something here. Best damn headshot I've seen for a janitor.
Also love how they didn't use 'custodian' here. lol
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