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Boundaries are the lines you put down with partners and friends to which they must respect and never cross. A majority of individuals say that if you don't have any boundaries put in place your partner will never respect you and replace you fast. What are some of your boundaries?
If I got a hobby, and my girl wants me to make a choice, her or the hobby. I'll pick the hobby 100/100. I don't date controlling people. That shows a lack of respect and a that she's a control freak. If a man has to drop all of his interests in order to support you, you don't actually love him you just want control over him
Jul 21, 24 at 11:11am
@daggerfella93 what if it was a hobby you loved to do but she thought it was hurting you in the long run. Like gambling?
Then that isn't a hobby at that point. But if I make model kits or play video games and I'm forced to choose between her and my hobby, her ass is out the damn door lol
Jul 21, 24 at 11:18am
Yeah I can understand that lol My boundaries aren't alot. The only boundaries I have are · If you "love" me then never let another man have his way with you, willingly wanting to do it (I will no longer be able to look at them the same again. They lose value to me) · Do not disrespect the people I care about or myself · Don't lie to me That's the sacred three rules I got. Anyone breaks them and I will drop them like it's hot cutting them off forever.
Oh also if she tries to put herself between me and God, then that is a deal breaker. I'll pick God over and floozy any day
That's a good value and boundary to have. If they don't respect that then bye bye felicia
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