I can never stick to a religion

peanutbutteroreo @peanutbutteroreo
I can never stick to a religion
peanutbutteroreo @peanutbutteroreo
As the title says. I don't exactly feel like i can say much but I can't pick between christianity, hinduism buddhism, or just being atheist.

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
I can never stick to a religion
Highway Curly @forgetmenot

You could totally be like moi and worship Dio-sama! ... Okay okay, real talk. I grew up with Christians, but even as a kid, I could never agree with it... And so bout half my life I've spent looking for something to believe in. No existing religion strikes my fancy. Tiring, sure, but never dull. Point is, finding where your faith lies can be one hell of a Bizarre Adventure. Everyone should have something to believe, so take your time in finding your faith. We humans are only capable of so much, so take it a day at a time if you have to. But don't ever be afraid to question what you've been taught. We may need it in order to truly grow.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
I can never stick to a religion
Chocopyro @chocopyro
@peanutbutteroreo Agnosticism is better than atheism. For we swear to no dogma nor rhetoric. We keep an open mind simultaneously with a discerning skeptical eye.
Occultism is a great option if you seek your own answers, but every time someone comes at you with religion and tries to force points of view down your throat, you aren't even offended, just annoyed at listening to a Dunning Kruger type who doesn't truly know what they're talking about, and insists that you are infact a devil worshiper, even though everything you say aligns with the bible, for you know what the paribles truly mean.
Animism is looking at spiritual phenomena and just accepting it as a normal part of the world. It is observational and practical rather than "wuuwuu mystical".
Lastly Deism is knowing there's a god, but accepting man's place in the world. God won't save you. It is man who must act. It is you who must be your own savior. There is no judgement that will cast you down for your actions asside from that of man. God is incapable of intervening.
All of these play nicely together, and are perfect for the non-commital types. You'll be a well adjusted human being, just like me!
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