Anyone play any instruments?
icymjp @icymjp
Anyone play any instruments?
icymjp @icymjp
Every once in a while I convince myself to pick up my ocarina and try to play it, but I've got no musical talent, so I just muddle through a few basic songs from Ocarina of Time and put it away. And yes, my ocarina is a replica of the Ocarina of Time one.
zeroe0 @zeroe0
commented on
Anyone play any instruments?
zeroe0 @zeroe0
i am learning the bass guitar. At the moment it collects dust, but once i find real time and buy Rock Smith, I will make her sing
Animekid @animekid
commented on
Anyone play any instruments?
Animekid @animekid
I play the piano (still learning/playing)
icymjp @icymjp
commented on
Anyone play any instruments?
icymjp @icymjp
Can you play anything classical? Like Fur Elis or Hungarian Rhapsody 2?
That Uke @thatuke
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Anyone play any instruments?
That Uke @thatuke
I've played the flute, and I am attempting to learn guitar.
Animekid @animekid
commented on
Anyone play any instruments?
Animekid @animekid
Sadly no, my practicing has really fallen behind :(. Mostly just linkin park's crawling and a few anime related pieces.
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
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Anyone play any instruments?
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
I'm relearning to play the guitar. Chicks dig guys who play guitars, right? ;)
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
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Anyone play any instruments?
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Anyone play any instruments?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
playing the only instrument I will ever need: The Saitek X45 joystick ^^
Sobi @sobi
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Anyone play any instruments?
Sobi @sobi
I have actually played quite a few instruments. I used to play the French Horn and Mellophone, but then I switched over to guitar and bass guitar, with a few random off the wall instruments picked up in between, like the auto-harp. I'm actually looking for someone to teach me the bagpipes right now.
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