Record of Ragnarok

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Record of Ragnarok
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I remember there being scathing reviews, however I find Record of Ragnarok a decent watch. It suffers from Dragon Ball Z syndrome with one attack every 2 episodes, yet it made me invested in the characters all the same. Lu Bu versus Thor was cool to see. I respect that death scene at the end!

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Record of Ragnarok
Aka-san @redhawk

As a fan of the manga, I sorta found the anime a bit flat on some aspects and disappointed that they cut out some things from the source material. That being said, I did enjoy some parts of the Anime and have yet to watch season 2. Still mad they cut out Jesus lol

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Record of Ragnarok
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Don't worry. We still have a chance at Jesus in Part 7 JOJO!
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