craziest thing you ever done.
zeroe0 @zeroe0
craziest thing you ever done.
zeroe0 @zeroe0
if ya got more than one please share!
icymjp @icymjp
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
icymjp @icymjp
I would have to say jumping out of a perfectly good plane.
What about you?
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
Lamby @momoichi
break into a park after hours :I
icymjp @icymjp
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
icymjp @icymjp
What kind of park?
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
Lamby @momoichi
not a theme park sadly :T just the normal nature park :P its closed after hours but me and some of my friends went in anywheez XP luckily we left before the rent a cop showed up lol
marshy @marshy
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
marshy @marshy
doing a police chase just for fun lol...
zeroe0 @zeroe0
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
zeroe0 @zeroe0
running around outside buck naked for a 100 bucks LOL
Henagata @henagata
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
Henagata @henagata
ran away from home and took 4 hour bike ride to a friends place.
ooh its such a long story so much happened in those 4 hours.
drinking from hoses and water sprinkler with a crumbled up plastic cup. seeing things meeting people, getting oh so very lost.
Nothing to guide me but the idea that i had to always be heading on the left side of the moon.
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
on a whim.... I started to look up automotive schools..... emailed and called some.... talk to some recruiters..... and three weeks later i had moved out of state and started my college life..... all because i was bored while sitting at my computer at 3am :)
Yu @metaljester
commented on
craziest thing you ever done.
Yu @metaljester
Hmmm moutain climbing at least a little bit to name that and also i have got on to a rocky area that is hard to balance on and did meditation on it
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