omg why

marshy @marshy
omg why
marshy @marshy
why is anime so hard to draw :(

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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omg why
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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marshy @marshy
commented on
omg why
marshy @marshy
that suck im over here trying my best to draw anime...

icymjp @icymjp
commented on
omg why
icymjp @icymjp
Because it takes a lot of skill to capture the human image in a drawing, let alone in a string of drawings that when put together form a moving picture. Not everyone has the skills to be that good of an artist.

marshy @marshy
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omg why
marshy @marshy
good point ^^^ i guess i need to buy a sketchbook

Lamby @momoichi
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omg why
Lamby @momoichi
*brags* not hard for me ^^
lol just takes practice, i used to SUCK so hard =.= one way i deff believe in how to make urself better is pick artists u love, dont just randomly draw u sood have artists to refrence from.
mine were vampire knight, loveless, and naruto. even though u refrensed them for help my art style is still unique so it wont be like copying.
i wish u luck :D

marshy @marshy
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omg why
marshy @marshy
well what i really need help in the face other then the body and clothes i can draw the with no prom it the face that it always ruins it :(

Lamby @momoichi
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omg why
Lamby @momoichi
ah, when i doodle i focus just on face so im iffyy on body :T so just focus on face :D

marshy @marshy
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omg why
marshy @marshy
i have try and fail :( i even bought the how to draw manga books and still no good fml :/

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
omg why
Lamby @momoichi
gah i hate how to draw manga book =_______= and i knw what u mean, i need to work in action scenes but cuz i suck i hate drawing it XD
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