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Trons clothes wardrobe

I wanna post my current fashion trends rn so I can look back and cringe probably
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d8/0d/40/d80d40d11aa143c85a85282edcb483a1.jpg Prove me wrong but techware goes hard rn
https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/o8EAAOSwOX5hLFAy/s-l400.jpg same with oversized hoodies
These shoes and shorts are a match made in heaven
I read the title as "Torn." I was like where are the ripped jeans? Those shoes better have holes in them! https://i.ani.me/0338/7334/grey.jpg Anyway. Your shorts are alright. Like the color blue. As for baggy clothes I can agree mostly. I prefer mine to hang loose rather than strapped tightly to my body. However I still want them to be slightly form fitting, so I don't look like I'm wearing a tarp. https://i.ani.me/0338/7334/grey.jpg Techno clothes I've been skeptical on if only because I feel that having wires running through my fabric is a bitch to pull out when I gotta do laundry. Unless I misunderstood what techware means. But if I got a lithium battery glued to my crotch something tells me I might be in for a bad time. Especially if I get wet!
@gabriel_true techwear is kinda the opposite of what you're thinking of. Techwear is mostly expensive pieces of clothing that have the "tech" for extreme weather resistance like being waterproof and cold protection. But a lot of people like it for the aesthetic and you can find cheap pieces that lack the technology and only the looks. So no battery on your crotch
Well now I'm disappointed. I wanted to charge my phone while I kept my butt warm. 1 star Amazon review for you sir!
Don't shoot the messenger
I will...
I always stay strapped
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