Not new just friend searching

Coco @yukiasato
Not new just friend searching
Coco @yukiasato
Hello, Name is coco. My information about me is on my page. Looking for new friends, looking for new friends who would like to join my discord server to meet new people to become friends with plus it easier to talk to on their than here. If you wish to be friends, just add me and send me a message.

AnimeYuriFan @bakablc
commented on
Not new just friend searching
AnimeYuriFan @bakablc
I too am lookin for new friends and i have a discord soo im down with that

Coco @yukiasato
commented on
Not new just friend searching
Coco @yukiasato
I added you I'll give you my discord stuff here in a bit

ShinkuTsume @shinkutsume
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Not new just friend searching
ShinkuTsume @shinkutsume
ヾ(^∇^) Hi there! Hope you have a good time here!
Edit:Derp, not new, but new person to me~ (゚ω゚;)

Coco @yukiasato
commented on
Not new just friend searching
Coco @yukiasato
I'm not new kitten. I'm just looking for more friends who wish to hang out and talk I do have a discord server to bull crap in.

tenno_kuroneko @tenno_kuroneko
commented on
Not new just friend searching
tenno_kuroneko @tenno_kuroneko
Then welcome back? Nice to meet you though.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Not new just friend searching
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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