Does Anyone Play Final Fantasy TCG?

schr0d1nger @schr0d1nger
Does Anyone Play Final Fantasy TCG?
schr0d1nger @schr0d1nger
I discovered that Final Fantasy has a cool card game! It would be great if others could give me some tips about building a competitive deck. That and if there are any groups that meet up to play regularly. Thanks a bunch in advance for the pointers!
Probably help if I said what type of deck I'm running.
I play Sky Pirates with Balthier and Fran as my main Forwards. I splashed Zidane [14-127H] because he seemed viable getting passed blockers. I've also Filo [15-056R] as backup and Diablos [5-062L] for summoning support.

schr0d1nger @schr0d1nger
commented on
Does Anyone Play Final Fantasy TCG?
schr0d1nger @schr0d1nger

I've clearly invested a tad bit into this new hobby. Lucky a person or two has joined me on this adventure. We're having a blast playing all sorts of random builds. I'm familiar there's a L3 format. That doesn't sound fun to play imo seeing as my favorite characters don't have regular reprints to justify the need for rotation. MTG usually let's players use cards from at least the last 2 years. Ah well! I'ma stick to playing legacy!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Does Anyone Play Final Fantasy TCG?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I will be hosting an event this Wednesday the 17th at Time Capsule in Hopewell, Virginia around 6pm. It's casual so all cards are legal to play. Tournament is free entry. Look forward to meeting new players.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Does Anyone Play Final Fantasy TCG?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
The booster boxes arrived today. I hope I have a decent turnout at Wednesday's tournament!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Does Anyone Play Final Fantasy TCG?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
These were the prizes I gave out at my group's last month's tournament.
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