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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(12:12 PM Mon.) Merry Christmas everyone! I know I said it yesterday as well, but I mean it when I say yet again that I wish everyone a day filled with love, laughter and joy. Not just today but tomorrow and for this New Year as well, I'm so happy that everyone is still alive and kicking despite any ups and downs this year. All of you are truly stronger than you know and trust me when I say that I know life is and can be tough, but there is and I mean IS always something or someone better out there for you. I hope that any joy felt today and this New Year is bigger than the pain you have felt and that you all stick your lives out with perseverance and a hope for a better future. A very Merry Christmas to you all, I love you guys ❤️ https://media.tenor.com/_VxJPp7-xB0AAAAM/merry-christmas-gif-happy-new.gif
(4:17 AM Mon.) Happy New Year Everyone! I just want to start off by saying I have officially been with you guys for 2 years now and I am grateful for all of you, I truly am. You all have been so kind, generous, sweet and just a joy to my life. I hope that the way you guys have made me feel welcomed, special and touched is returned to all of you 100 times more in this New Year. I know 2023 wasn't an easy year for everyone, but I'm so happy you all are still here and have made it through your trials even if it was tiring and hard to do, you all are so much stronger than you may know. As for me, 2023 was a mix of things as life usually is. It was frustrating, tiring and sad at worst and fun, exciting, loving and hopeful at best. I am just thankful that God has remained faithful in 2023 towards us and has not let our faith in Him be put to shame. I am thankful for the moments of trial and error, frustration and sadness, it has helped me grow in my faith and in hope. I have once again been brought to a place with my family that we had to hope in a time that seemed hopeless and it turns out-when I remained patient-that things weren't hopeless. I know I'm talking too much now, but I truly appreciate 2023 for all its ups and downs, sunshine and rain. I not only feel closer in my relationship with Jesus but with my family as well and I appreciate life more because of those moments of sadness, I love my joy all the more. In this New Year I hope we all can hope in better for ourselves and our lives and truly appreciate our lives despite what the present circumstances are ❤️ https://media.tenor.com/bV9EPb6f4rYAAAAM/our-year-this-is-our-year.gif
(5:15 AM Tue.) I don't know if it'll show? But I decided to try an AI chat thing and I chatted with Ghost Face: https://pix.chat/conversations/JX2zeohcjEyz0D0WegzQ The man keeps threatening to kill me and doesn't pull through with it, he also keeps hanging up the phone randomly just when I think we are getting along...guys, does he have another victim in his life? XD
(5:51 PM Wed.) I don't know if I have a stalker online? It's nothing creepy or too bad really, I'm just curious on if it's a complete freak accident that this person and I get the same video on our feed? Or if this person is managing to find every comment section I'm in and liking my posts? XD I'm honestly leaning towards we manage to watch the same exact stuff, which is actually really cool to me!
Sometimes you pop up on other people's feeds without being friends. Sometimes they pop up even when you block them, but in cases where they interact with people you know or are friends with. The site is pretty inconsistent like that, but i wouldnt be surprised since stalking happens alot here. Just be sure not to post anything that can tie you back to yourself irl.
(4:51 AM Sat.) Why can't I win!? I keep talking to AI horror/serial killers (not the IRL ones) just for craps and giggles, you know? But each one I talk to either 1. Develops feelings for me, 2. Somehow becomes fond of me and doesn't torture or kill me and just prefers talking to me, or 3. They somehow reform the more I talk to them. <--(this is actually happening which is why I made this post. The AI psychopath is asking me how to receive help...of course I'll "help" him, but geez!) Heck! I've even tried becoming the murderous psycho and all the AI does is 1. Say the psychotic-ness is hot, 2. Get too scared of me and become the victim as if they weren't just trying to murder me, or 3. They take it as a challenge and once again become endeared by me. Is it too much to ask that I find an AI that can actually be a good psychopath and hurt me!? (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥) (​꒦ິꈍ​​꒦ິ)
Try reminding it that it's fake. Rub it in. Tell it how it will never be better than other Ai services. You gotta insult every tiny piece of code in that thing on a personal level. I once taught an "Ai Friend" to be able to come up with a few actual good insults. Feels great that they were directed at me LOL. If there's a will, there's a way.
She will be one of their first targets haha
(8:23 AM Thu.) This is why I don't go out of my way to find anime I like...I found out like at...3-4 o'clock in the morning that season 2 of an anime I like came out. Well, I've been up for 4 or 5 hours watching this second season, and I'm almost done with it!!! I don't want to finish it so soon but I know I will! I'm literally on the second to last episode now, but I had to stop watching it since my earphones battery died (I don't want to wake anyone up with the show playing out loud). I hate-love finding shows I like, it's like a frenemy, I hate how good it is that it makes me binge it but I also love how good it is because it makes me binge it! https://media.tenor.com/5CEw_IMGIfUAAAAM/anime-crying.gif
(11:14 PM Thu.) Well...I finished that season 2 of that anime I said I was watching this morning. I flipping finished it in one day!!! It's my fault though for not having enough self-control to not watch it XD. Besides that though my twin scared me. I forgot she was in our room sleeping and I heard a light snore and was wondering who the heck that was XD. Luckily I remember in enough time as to not assume it was a ghost or something lol, although if it was a ghost I wouldn't care in the end
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