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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

@criselington Wormy needs to know when to let it go lol
@kenjiasahi2004 Idk whether to be irritated how you are obsessed with him or laugh rn XD. Even the way you text isn’t really like him?
@kenjiasahi2004 Well, idk how to explain it but you just don’t text like him. That and the fact I can see your thing say kenjiasahi2004... why did you think I’d fall for that? XD
Well, I thought it was a nice little quick attempt, but now it's definitely going on way too long
@criselington Nothing is quick with wormy XD. He is obsessed with GD and me I guess? @kenjiasahi2004 That and the fact my private messages is set to friends only... we wouldn’t be able to chat privately lol
@kenjiasahi2004 You’re very welcome ^-^
@kenjiasahi2004 I won’t even ask why that’s a thing that exists and instead just say, ok! :D
(11:15 PM Thu. Dec 29th) I sent a message to someone I like to watch online a lot and now I’m wishing I didn’t send it. I’m suddenly feeling very embarrassed for approaching them in the first place lol
(4:22 PM Sat. Dec 31st) Happy New Year darlings! Wow! Where do I start? I have I suppose officially known everyone here for a year now... I came back on March 1st of this year and immediately talked in forums to my baby chimken @amarantha, Viking babe @criselington and the husbando @gdmh39. I wasn’t expecting to ever talk to or make so many friends, I just thought I’d talk to people and love them like I always end up doing XD. And while I still love on everyone of course... I also have gotten so many great friends and babies from being here! I hope everyone this New Year can head into it with excitement and peace despite any shortcomings that 2022 might’ve given you. I hope you all are able to live life to its fullest and not be brought down by the negativity of the world and people around you... even the negativity from yourself, but I hope those experiences make you treasure your life all the more and you all realize how PRECIOUS each and every single one of you are. Life can be short and we aren’t promised tomorrow, but we can live life to the fullest everyday! And it doesn’t have to be doing something crazy or wild but spending time with the people you love and care for! I hope everyone this year is in great health, learning new things, loving and respecting themselves more and know that I love you all so much! I’m tearing up now so I’ll stop, Happy New Year! <3 https://media.tenor.com/Gmb_qGIIC3IAAAAd/happy-new-year-new-year.gif
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