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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

@gdmh39 I’ll give you a list XD
(4:18 AM Tue. Sep 6th) Here I am. Up at 4:18 AM making food for myself because I didn’t eat much today and I’m just now feeling the hunger XD. I’m making some garlic and herb potatoes with rice, I can’t wait to eat (I can actually though sksksk)
(8:54 AM Tue. Sep 6th) Okay if my iPad mini doesn’t stop autocorrecting AND to ANDY!!! XD It usually ends up seeming like the person I’m talking to I’m saying their name is Andy lol
(6:52 AM Fri. See 9th) Once again a man has saved me! This time my dad killed a stinkin’ bug! First it was a spider and now a centipede... I really can’t wait to move (well I can wait. As long as needed but you get it UwU)
Mommy is proud of her daughter UwU https://i.ani.me/0338/2800/fisrt_day.jpg . https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/840/778/940.png . https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/842/671/415.jpg
Guess its gonna be soon. Bugs fights everyday is tiring
(5:06 AM Sun. Sep 11th) I feel like I’m crying for people/things lately XD. But sometimes a good cry is what you need, I feel better and happier now. I wrote down my feelings on paper, it wasn’t for me but my eldest brother... he’s always struggled with stuff in life and it all came spilling out but even though I cried with him/for him I’m happy he told me. Now I’ll give him all the things I wanted to say on paper, it’s not that I couldn’t say those things to him but he needed someone to listen not speak. So that’s what I did and I hope he takes my thoughts seriously ^-^
That's... about me isn't it? Lol
@forgetmenot I already cried for you though XD. It was other things though this time <3
(7:43 AM Sun. Sep 11th) my sister got randomly generated motivational quotes and the one she got said “long live the provocative for one day they shall burn in Hell” XD. Like what kind of motivational quote is that?
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