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Empicca's Territory

Be the meme queen on MO thats your life now XDDDD
Life. What is life some people ask? Is it about making friends? Or getting the most likes? Whether online, in person, from family or friends, what is life? Some ask again. Life is not about how many likes you can get, it’s not about how you look, what you wear and what you do. Life is about the hard times, the good times and the bittersweet too, it’s about how you learn and how you choose to grow. Will you be the strong, the weak or the wise? I guess time will tell in this thing we call life. I just hope you’ll find a life of your own, making the most of all the times that’ll fly by. Still loving, laughing, living and loving, cause after all that is the meaning of life. A sucky poem by Me~
Saying sucky poem after some text like that still wouldn’t make it sucky you know? @wei_ying
@gdmh39 you’re just saying that lol
beautiful words, actually ^^
@wei_ying well its not only me as i can say UwU @aramantha yes i know my words are beautiful no need for praises UwU XDDDD
@gdmh39 not you omg hahahahaha :(( stop scaring us hahaha :((
@amarantha XD sorry he’s intimidating you darling. Have you seen his poem yet? And also thank you baby~ @gdmh39 well I know amarantha would like it (I still don’t know how :3), but you are biased sksksk
OwO why would i be scaring you? OwO wait why am i biased? @wei_ying XDDDD im stating facts here
@gdmh39 :3.... noooo reason sksksk
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