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Crazy back stories for things in your life

Post a picture of something in your life and create a crazy or random backstory for this thing. It can be an item, food, a pet, or even a person
This is Terry the pig. When he was little he had dreams of escaping his destined fate of being chewed to death by hounds. One day while getting stuffed, still in the factory in which he was forced into existence he made an escape plan with help of a tire. During his escape he was captured and shipped off to a local pet store somewhere in the world. The dread he faced everyday as he saw potential buyers walk by was nothing, compared to the heart breaking devastation and realization that his time had come. Frozen in fear, he cried and prayed for the first time to a deity he was not even sure existed hoping by chance for a miracle while in transit to his final destination, alas... no hope came. To this day he suffers the constant chewing and biting of a German Shepherd while he stares at the bodies of his fellow squeaky pigs that came before him.
https://i.ani.me/0283/7200/f24oobu.jpg me and my bf mugged some leprechauns. they cursed us and now we break out in horrifically painful boils beneath every full moon. worth it, though.
^Hufflepuff detected
This is Cletus. All his life he has had to be called the wrong name by everyone just because he is designed after Kaido from One Piece. The constant and continuous annoyance of being called the wrong name has driven him nearly insane until one day, I was gifted him. We had a nice long discussion about his life and all the difficult moments such as homelessness and abuse. Afterwards we became friends and he now hangs out next to his best friend Jimbo the Cthulhu modeled display piece.
This is O'Jeffothy. He created was by a malevolent being that lived in a tree. This being instilled magical powers into O'Jeffothy upon his creation. This being would then torture poor O'Jeffothy every day. One day, still in pain from the drilling of holes into head and string placement surgery he escaped. O'Jeffothy soon found himself in the hands of clown name Jimothy. Jimothy then snatched all of his power leaving him powerless and unable to move. Jimothy pawned the poor ole O'Jeffothy who was weakened to a leather worker who worked in a Renaissance fair to couldn't hear his voice. Two years latter he found me. Years of calling out to people left him saddened as his voice fell upon deaf ears he felt ecstatic... hopeful that his life would change. He offered me a bargain that in exchange for his freedom he would one day grante the power to travel to distance relams once his power is returned to him. To this day we travel in search of the Clown Jimothy so that we may take him down recover O'Jeffothy's power.
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