Yo Weebs, my life lesson
themagedalamar @themagedalamar
Yo Weebs, my life lesson
themagedalamar @themagedalamar
Alrighty, so i wanted to find a site with like minded people.
A quick intro for me. Im the older guy here, but hopefully there are some older ladies yo!
I was a closet weeb for about 15 years. I hid all my passion and interests in gaming and anime. Just so i can be with someone who did not love or respect who I was. It was alot of good in life lessons and I am a better person today, but man eventually when people have nothing in common, it all dies..
So let me tell you all one life lesson. Be yourself, and only love and be loved by someone who can love you for you. You are not perfect, and you will fuck up, but if they cannot accept your strength in faults, then you will be miserable.
So Live your life and find that one person who is just as messed up as you.
CAC @cac
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
CAC @cac
Ok boomer.
themagedalamar @themagedalamar
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
themagedalamar @themagedalamar
Says the 32 year old, jeeze i was expecting a 16 year old to come up with that.
Veru @verucassault
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
Veru @verucassault
Don't pin your hopes on this being a viable dating source. But there are people here your age, some wahmans even that aren't taken, at least to my knowledge, but still.. this place is more of a forum than a decent dating site. *tumbleweed rolls by*
Veru @verucassault
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
Veru @verucassault
@cac I think you broke him.
Aka-san @redhawk
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
Aka-san @redhawk
Cac the Destroyer
Ghost @kuharido
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
Ghost @kuharido
@themagedalamar how old?
CAC @cac
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
CAC @cac
The joke was the 32 year old saying it >_>
Sobo275 @sobo275
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
Sobo275 @sobo275
I guess he found out this site wasn't for him, the poor guy didn't even last an hour. RIP
JEFF @jayashr1
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Yo Weebs, my life lesson
JEFF @jayashr1
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