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What are your Christmas plans???

Mine involve staying inside, getting no gifts or presents, and having no special dinner. *finger guns* I'm going to watch YT vids and do some writing, wbu??
Celebrate. Alone. Perhaps go for a walk.
Dec 25, 21 at 11:01am
I'm with my family but even more alone. The only plan we have is to go eat dinner at my grandma's later.
I'm too diverse and introverted to connect with my family in their proper preferences.
Got family coming later this afternoon and will meal prep soon. Don't have work until early January, most of it paid holiday. Plans for the week? Well I'll probably hike somewhere actually. It's gonna be very nice, temperatures in the low 70s in the afternoon. Also decided to pick Mirai Nikki back up, see how it goes.
Dec 25, 21 at 11:24am
Just a normal day off for me unfortunately. My mom's house is a 4hr drive one way and I had to work late Friday and then early Sunday morning so it's not worth the trip for barely a day. Basically just opened a couple things my family sent me, called them, and then just doing a few basic chores around the place.
Pull into my parent's driveway and honk my horn so my mom knows to bring me my presents and put them in my trunk. Then I'll leave.
Get to deal with family today.. hope that goes well. There will most likely be booze so that should help. My poor liver every year with christmas and new years so close together.
Seeing my family (my mom's side) after I visited my Sister and as of writing this visiting my Grandmother. Usually my holiday routine is to see my dad and step-siblings on Christmas Eve, but drama happened that made me avoid going all-together.
I'm pretty much spending it with my family. Sneaking off to do my own thing occasionally, but for the most part whatever they plan on doing are my plans as well.
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