Heaven or Hell

Beyo @beyozenith
Heaven or Hell
Beyo @beyozenith
Kinda just wanted a thread to post random shit, I've been a bit obsessed with Guilty Gear recently so that's why I named the thread Heaven or Hell lol

Beyo @beyozenith
commented on
Heaven or Hell
Beyo @beyozenith

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
commented on
Heaven or Hell
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
The only cosmologies I accept is a Burtonesque single afterlife for everyone or Gygaxian world wheel with two axies of morality and ethics.

Beyo @beyozenith
commented on
Heaven or Hell
Beyo @beyozenith

That's cool and all but look at this dope ass picture I found

Beyo @beyozenith
commented on
Heaven or Hell
Beyo @beyozenith

Aka-san @redhawk
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Heaven or Hell
Aka-san @redhawk
Bruh u play on pc?

Beyo @beyozenith
commented on
Heaven or Hell
Beyo @beyozenith
Guilty Gear or just anything?

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Heaven or Hell
Aka-san @redhawk
Guilty Gear Strive

Beyo @beyozenith
commented on
Heaven or Hell
Beyo @beyozenith
@redhawk Nah, I don't have strive yet, I'm planning on getting it when I get paid and when I did I was gonna get it on ps4 instead of pc because my friend wanted to get it off me through game share

Beyo @beyozenith
commented on
Heaven or Hell
Beyo @beyozenith

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